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Important donations and humanitarian campaigns

Floods (August 2023)

To help those affected by the August floods, we have decided to donate 100€ on behalf of each employee, in total 4,200€. We have allocated the funds to the ZPMS, where they will ensure that they reach the right hands.

We also swiftly and selflessly lent a hand when Colgate Palmolive donated products, and we ensured the transportation of the goods they provided to the firefighters in Trzin, Mengeš, Komenda, and the Savinja Valley (Luče).

Balkan floods (May 2014)

During the floods in the Balkans, we, the Lomas family, as well as the Lomas company, joined many organizations and individuals, as well as many Slovenian athletes, who organized themselves and collected aid for the flood victims. Our principals Colgate Palmolive, Johnson&Johnson, Saponia and Varta came to our aid. We have prepared packages of personal hygiene products (Palmolive, Carefree, o.b., Dettol), washing powders and cleaners (AVA, Faks, Nila, Ajax, Cillit…), children’s cosmetics (Johnson’s Baby) and flashlights and battery cartridges (Varta). We also collected money and bought baby diapers with the collected amount. Together, the employees and the company donated goods worth more than €20,000!!!

In addition, we also made it possible for external buyers to purchase the products of the brands we represent at purchase prices, who also donated the items to help the flood victims.

DROBTINICA- hot meal for children (2014)

In 2014, we upgraded our cooperation. With the “Hot meal for children” project, together with Johnson&Johnson, we supported the humanitarian activity of the Republic of Slovenia, “Breadcrumb”. We contributed funds for more than 3,000 hot meals.

Johnson's baby
“Take Them to the Sea” (2012-)

Lomas d.o.o. has been occasionally collaborating with the Slovenian Red Cross in their “Take Them to the Sea” initiative, alongside Johnson & Johnson, since 2012. During a specified period, we allocate 0.10€ from each sale of Johnson’s baby brand products to this activity. In the first year, with the help of loyal customers and consumers, we raised a remarkable 7,000€. We also promoted this humanitarian action and its purpose through advertising messages, and the public received the activity with great interest. Thanks to the truly positive responses, Lomas d.o.o. and Johnson & Johnson decided to continue supporting the “Take Them to the Sea” humanitarian initiative in the following year, with the hope of achieving an equal or even better total amount raised.

In 2013, we donated a substantial 8,000€ to the Slovenian Red Cross for their humanitarian initiative “Take Them to the Sea.”

V letu 2013 smo Rdečemu križu Slovenije za humanitarno aktivnost “Peljimo jih na morje” donirali kar 8.000€ 

Peljemo jih na morje
SIBAHE Slovenian Food Bank

On multiple occasions, with products from the brands we represent, we assist nonprofit organizations (SIBAHE Slovenian Food Bank, the Day Center for the Homeless within the Society of Volunteers Vincencijeva Zveza Dobrote, and others) in humanitarian campaigns to collect food, personal care items, and cleaning products.


Lomas d.o.o.

Kardeljeva ploščad 11a
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 1 568 00 00
Fax.: +386 1 568 00 01

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The company Lomas d.o.o. obtained co-financing of eligible costs – Voucher for obtaining certificates (ISO 9001) and REACT EU » Voucher for preparation of a digital strategy and Incentive for the digital transformation MSP (P4D ReactEU).
The investment to obtain the certificate is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund (SDF)
