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Management statement and commitment to social responsibility

We have been around since 1996. We have focused all our efforts on providing you with the best and simplest life possible. As a distribution company, together with our suppliers and customers, we have been providing the end consumer with access to a large number of brands for 25 years. We believe in the quality of the products we distribute, which is why we position them accordingly, both in the mind of the consumer and on the shelves, as premium brands. We combine perspective and educated people of all generations into an excellent team, who strive to provide the end consumer with a quality and easy purchase with their clear vision and goals.

The management of our company constantly strives to maintain and upgrade the achieved level of quality teamwork, while at the same time investing in even better results. The core of our values ​​are: PERSISTENCE, CREATIVITY, POSITIVE ENERGY, TRAINING and TRUST, and recently SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY has been increasingly joining them.

Throughout our operations, we strive to include in our business policy, in addition to basic care for the successful operation of the company, care for everyone we come into contact with in the course of our business. For us, this means taking care of our employees and providing them with a suitable and safe working environment, respecting international and domestic standards in the field of labor and human rights, a fair attitude towards customers and suppliers, a caring attitude towards nature, the environment and the environment in which we operate.

We understand social responsibility as caring for society and the natural environment through transparent and ethical operations that:

  • contributes to sustainable development, including health and social well-being,
  • takes into account the expectations of all interest groups,
  • is in accordance with the applicable legislation and in accordance with international norms of operation,
  • it is integrated into the entire organization and is used in all its relationships.

At the same time, we commit ourselves to continue to implement the social responsibility understood in this way within the framework of the company’s operations and as part of the organizational culture to the optimal extent that our business environment allows.

Ljubljana. 7.6.21


Lomas d.o.o.

Kardeljeva ploščad 11a
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: +386 1 568 00 00
Fax.: +386 1 568 00 01

About the company



Lomas in numbers

Fleet and logistics


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The company Lomas d.o.o. obtained co-financing of eligible costs – Voucher for obtaining certificates (ISO 9001) and REACT EU » Voucher for preparation of a digital strategy and Incentive for the digital transformation MSP (P4D ReactEU).
The investment to obtain the certificate is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Social Fund (SDF)
